Friday, July 30, 2010

NutRoots Nation v. (Nutso) RightOnline

So I was checking out the pictures of the RightOnline gathering which competed with the NutRoots Nation gathering this year. First there is the rather obvious - all the attendees appear to be...oh, how do I say this...well, they are all Caucasian. The presenters also seem to be melanin deficient with the notable exception of Herman "He Can Be President!" Cain. The truth is that the white thing doesn't really bother me that much, but the grey does. Seriously, look at all the doughy grey haired people at the RightOnline photos and compare with NutRoots. The lefties have twice as many people but not a grey hair in the house, unless you are looking at the speakers.

Lo Que Serra, Serra

Council of the Americas has an update on the upcoming Brazilian elections. Jose Serra of the Social Democratic Party of Brazil (PDSB) once had a 20 point lead but Lula's girl Dilma Roussef of the Worker's Party (PT) leads in one poll and is only down by one in another. All this can be attributed to Lula's popularity. The PDSB, despite its name, is essentially a center party comparatively speaking. The third place candidate is the Green Party candidate and doesn't have a prayer.

Baba-Bull Watch: BonkoBert Keeps it Real

Here is what annoys me about Humberto Fontova. He is actually quite smart, even knowledgeable but he is also completely and totally off of his rocker. Bert usually starts off with a statement of fact then slowly but ever so surely his posts will degenerate into some gnarled rant of some sort that essentially casts anyone who doesn't agree with him wholeheartedly to have been Che's triggerman at La Cabana. Bert reminds me of those characters on Chapelle Show who keep it real...they have a choice to make: be smart, think it through or keep it real. BonkoBert, in case you were wondering, always keeps it real.

His latest post is easily the most disjointed insane rant ever composed - you need a Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Ring to divine what the hell he is talking about. He somehow mashes together the commie Vencermos Brigade with Saladrigas, Joe Garcia and anyone who isn't an embargo fan. I almost want to see the embargo lifted so I can see Bert's head explode.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Green Herring: Eco-Friendly Jobs Aren't Enough

The left-leaning New America Foundation issued Talking Points that note the obvious - green jobs will not be enough to kick start the economy. Just a snippet:
It was unwise of the Obama administration and Congress to rely so heavily on the renewable energy sector to drive the recovery. Spending on renewables is slow to get out of the door, leaks to foreign companies, is an inadequate driver of jobs and growth, and may not create a strong exporting industry.

2 Angles on Angle

FrumForum notes that even the Republican friendly Rasmussen polls have Angle trailing Reid. WE are talking about a sitting Senator with negatives in the 48% range. You can run the Easter Bunny and probably beat him. This potential unmitigated fiasco feeds into the greater narrative that the Tea Party fringe has overreached even before it comes to power. Right on cue comes Erick Erickson saying essentially that Angle has Reid right she wants him. Really? Is there any politician in the planet that wants to be down on the polling to an overwhelmingly unpopular Senator?

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

LA Quick Hits: Mex Drug Cartels Go South, Don Diego Lives!, Correa the Commie, Begging Bolivia & More

Raul Doesn't Speak, What Does it Mean?

More regular than the swallows at San Juan Capistrano are the Castros on July 26. So yesterday rolls around and we are left Castro-less at the mic. The Babalu crowd was as muted as Raul but they should have been concerned. By not bothering to speak By going sotto voce Raul seems to be underlining their often made statement that the "Revolution" is about something more than the Castro Bros. True, he could have sent a stronger signal by having someone other than octogenarian-to-be keynote, but the point is made nonetheless. Very subtle but the message is clear.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Obama's Worst Nightmare? Really?

World Net Daily breathlessly asks if Herman Cain is Obama's worst nightmare...say what? In case you were wondering Herman Cain is thinking about running for president and since he is black...well, of course, because the only reason Obama is president is because he is black. So conservatives of the fringe really believe that if they get their own black guy then Obama will be crushed! I don't even know what to say or make out of this case of ODS.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Peru Prez Race - Good News/Bad News

Americas Quarterly Blog notes that Keiko Fujimori has a sliver of a lead, +2, over Lima mayor Luis Castaneda. Ollanta Humala has slipped to case you were wondering that is the good news.

DeMint's Creative Poll Watching

I just got a fundraising e-mail from Jim DeMint's Senate Conservative Fund touting the prospects of Ron Johnson against Russ Feingold. All well and good except DeMint proudly mentions that Johnson is in a statistical dead heat in a Rasmussen poll that has him up by one. While true that two of the three other polls also feature a dead heat, they also show Feingold is up by two. The third poll has Feingold up by five.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Astronomy + History + Rachel Weisz = Perfection

I was about seven when I became obsessed with Astronomy. I couldn't get enough of it and I would troll through bookstores and libraries looking for anything that I could read on it. Unfortunately, I figured out at some point that if I ever wanted pursue anything in the study of the heavens that I would have actually use math for something more than figuring out how much tax to pay for a pack of Topps baseball cards. Still had a thing for astronomy. About the same time though, I had also developed a love of history. Now I find out that there is a movie that captures these two passions of mine and joins them with a third Rachel Weisz. So I there's a historical piece on astronomy that features Rachel Weisz naked that just came out. I may never need to go to the movies again.

LA Quick Hits: FCH - Security Important, Hugo is Scared, 2 Cool 4 School, Cristina Knocks US (Again), Samper Whines, Have a Coke and a Smile & More

Saturday, July 17, 2010

LA Quick Hits: FARC in Venezuela, Hugo Gets Pissed, Santos Invites Neighbors, Car Bomb in Mex, Killing Labor, Bolivar is Dead, Peru "Slows" & More

NYT: Economy Sucks. Blame the Rich!

Not only don't we tax them enough but those darned rich folk aren't spending enough to get us out of the recession. NYT has an article saying the rich are not spending enough to get us out of recession. What is interesting is how this parallels other articles noting how businesses and banks are holding onto cash. The narrative in those pieces is that uncertainty over Obama policies and increased regulation are scaring away investment. The narrative in the NYT piece is....well I have no idea. They manage not to mention anything or anyone even remotely tied to the Obama Admin. I mean, they do not even ask anyone in the government why the rich are not spending money. It is almost as if they are afraid that readers would make some sort of association and blame Obama anyway so they won't mention him in hopes that we might not blame him somehow for all this.

One last thing the article quotes an expert from "left-leaning" Institute for Policy Studies. Left-leaning? Is NYT going to start referring to the KKK as a fraternal organization?

Dear Harry Reid, Be Careful What You Wish For...

Stephen Moore has a predictably fawning piece on Sharron Angle in WSJ. Truth be told I would have preferred anyone but Angle to go toe to toe against Harry Reid but something in Moore's profile caught my attention. Moore notes that Reid backers are "gleeful", in Moore's words to be facing a "right-wing extremist." It is hubris like this that gets politicians in trouble. Jimmy Carter's people were thrilled that RR got the GOP nod and that didn't turn out so hot for them. Pretty sure that there

Thursday, July 08, 2010

LA Round Up: Vicky Cashes In, AMLO Again, Alvaro-n-Hugo & Peru Explodes

It's Easy Being Greene: The LiLo Edition

How does a dirtbag like Jeff Greene even get to be considered to be a legitimate candidate for the US Senate? Seriously, how does this happen? How awful a candidate is Kendrick Meek that this can actually happen? Don't ask me how this happen but the future Senator from the state of Florida (JK!) was photographed last year hanging with everyone's favorite SCAM anklet donning mess and rumored milkaholic, Lindsay Lohan. Greene and Lilo were down in St. Barth's. Wait...St. Barth's...seriously only the cheese-eating beret wearing elitists at Salon would call it St. Barth's.